Weekly Specials

Please Note: Food and drink specials are not available on public holidays.

Monday Buy 1 Get 1 Free

POKER NIGHT @ 6:30pm

*Free meal will always be the lesser priced item. No additions or alterations available with free meal.
Click here to view the menu

Tuesday $28 Parma & Poker

$25 Parma & Pot
+ BINGO NIGHT @ 6:30pm

Beautifully smoked ham and stringy mozzarella are the makings of a perfect parma!

Food Menu Image

$15 Burgers +
POKER NIGHT @ 6:30pm

If you love burgers, you’ll find one heck of a deal at The Dick, the perfect mid-week meal.

The Dick Drink Menu

$25 STEAK 

Juicy, succulent and cooked to perfection, and just $25 every Thursday. It doesn’t get much better than that!

$28 Sunday Roast_St Kilda

$28 Sunday Roast

Treat yourself to an irrestistable home-cooked roast! Includes house beverage.